chronostratigraphic unit中文什么意思

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  1. For long time , to the jurassic stratigraphic framework of the studied area and its adjacent places , different workers adopted different group , formation and chronostratigraphic units
  2. The further study shows that the sandstones at the bottom of the lower ganchaigou formation , which is a tr lithostratigraphic unit , were deposited in different stages of base level cycle , and they are not chronostratigraphic unit . so , to identify different sequences , especially high order sequences in analysis of terrestrial stratigraphic sequences , the sequence distribution feature must be fully consided . this view has practical significance for recognizing forming , evolution and filling history of qaidam baisn correctly , and has both theorical and practical meaning for directing further oil exploration


  1. chronostop 什么意思
  2. chronostratic 什么意思
  3. chronostratigraphic boundary 什么意思
  4. chronostratigraphic classification 什么意思
  5. chronostratigraphic correlation chart 什么意思
  6. chronostratigraphic zone 什么意思
  7. chronostratigraphicunit 什么意思
  8. chronostratigraphy 什么意思
  9. chronosusceptability 什么意思
  10. chronoswiss 什么意思


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